Leading, Trusted, Enabling Growth
Leading, Trusted, Enabling growth
Today, Tomorrow, Spot Transaction

Today Transaction is foreign exchange transaction of a currency pair to be settled on the same day of the transaction date.

Tomorrow Transaction is foreign exchange transaction of a currency pair to be settled in one business day after the transaction date.

Spot Transaction is foreign exchange transaction of a current pair transaction to be settled in tow business day after the transaction date.


Forward Transaction is foreign exchange transaction  that trades a currency pair on a specific date in the future with an agreed rate.

Currency Swap

Also known as Swap, is a transaction that trades a currency pair in an agreed amount and rate while at the same time agrees to reverse the transaction on a specific date in the future with an agreed rate.

Yield Enhancement

Sovereign Bond

We provide sovereign bonds denominated in Indonesia Rupiah and other currency i.e US Dollar and Singapore Dollar